Citi Mobile App 快閃大抽獎 只需三步就有機會贏取豐富禮物!

唔知大家聖誕有冇收到心儀嘅禮物呢?無都唔緊要,因為只要喺指定日子去Citi Mobile App登記參加快閃大抽獎 ,就可以有機會贏取到豐富禮物!

Citi Mobile App 快閃大抽獎 優惠內容


優惠詳情:每日入CITI Mobile App嘅Get More登記參加節日限定版「快閃大抽獎」!注意推廣活動只適用於持有任何花旗銀行(香港)有限公司(「花旗銀行」或「本行」)之儲蓄戶口、支票戶 口、港元月月增息支票儲蓄戶口的個人或第一戶口持有人或由花旗銀行所發行之 Citi 信用卡之基本卡客戶。

「快閃大抽獎」 一般條款及細則

  1. 「快閃大抽獎」(「推廣活動」)推廣日期為2020年12月28日至30日及2021年1月4日至6日 (「推廣期」)。

  2. 本推廣活動只適用於持有任何花旗銀行(香港)有限公司(「花旗銀行」或「本行」)之儲蓄戶口、支票戶 口、港元月月增息支票儲蓄戶口的個人或第一戶口持有人或由花旗銀行所發行之 Citi 信用卡之基本卡客 戶(「客戶」),並符合以下條件(「合資格客戶」):

    1. 於2020年12月28日年滿18歲或以上;及

    2. 於本行持有有效香港通訊地址;及

    3. 於本行持有有效電郵地址;及

    4. 於本行持有有效電話號碼;及

    5. 必須成功於推廣期內登入 Citi Mobile®流動理財手機程式並透過「Get More」成功登記此推廣活 動

  3. 此推廣活動不適用於 (a)美國人士或 (b)於歐盟及歐洲經濟區國家居住之人士。

  4. 此推廣活動按照以下細節進行:

    1. 於每次「Get More」的推廣活動,客戶須跟據個別「推廣活動」(「個別推廣活動」)於指定日子 凌晨 12 時至晚上 11 時 59 分(香港時間, GMT 8),(i) 登入 Citi Mobile® App 並透過「Get More」按下「確定」成功登記「個別推廣活動」(「成功登記」),(ii) 「個別推廣活動」得獎 者將由電腦隨機抽出 ,(iii) 「個別推廣活動」得獎者須根據該「個別推廣活動」之條款及細則於 指定期間執行指定類別之交易(「合資格客戶」)方可獲得於「個別推廣活動」所列明的獎賞乙 份。

    2. 若未持有「個別推廣活動」所指定類別之交易戶口(「指定交易戶口」),需先申請「指定交易戶 口」,並於「個別推廣活動」之條款及細則於指定期間執行指定類別之交易,方可成為「合資格 客戶」並可獲取「個別推廣活動」獎賞。

  5. 得獎者若於獲得獎賞之前取消其相關合資格戶口,則會被取消獲取獎賞的資格。

  6. 得獎者之指定信用卡戶口必須於獲發獎賞時保持有效、無欠繳款項及信用狀況良好 (由本行全權酌情決


  7. 所有得獎禮品不得更換、轉讓或兌換現金或其他產品/服務及只可於香港特別行政區(「香港」)範圍


  1. 花旗銀行保留更換任何不合抽獎資格之得獎者的權利。

  2. 參加者同意所有關於參加本推廣活動的責任及風險須由參加者承擔及負責;本行將不會承擔任何因參加


  3. 花旗銀行不承擔任何不完整、丟失、延誤、損壞、字跡模糊或含誤導成份的電子郵件/短訊溝通之責任。 如因任何電訊網絡的通訊或技術問題、故障、意外或其它原因,致使參加者未能參與此推廣活動,本行


  4. 花旗銀行保留最後權利決定客戶是否合資格獲得獎賞。如本行有理由相信任何客戶使用或教唆他人使用

    不正當或欺詐方法干擾本推廣活動的運作,造成本推廣活動任何部份受到干擾、技術難題或故障,或任 何危害、破壞或影響本推廣的舉辦、誠信、公平或順利進行或偵察到任何不正常的數據傳送,本行有權 終止該客戶參加本推廣活動的資格,並保留向客戶追究的權利。

  5. 花旗銀行保留隨時終止此推廣活動及修改其條款及細則之權利而無須另行通知。

  6. 如有任何爭議,花旗銀行保留最終決定權。

  7. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律所管轄,並按照香港特別行政區法律詮釋。客戶茲不可撤銷地服從


  8. 如中英文條款有所差異,一概以英文版本為準。

“Flash Lucky Draw” Program General Terms and Conditions

  1. The promotion period of the “Flash Lucky Draw” (the “Program”) is within December 28-31, 2020 and January 4-6, 2021 (the 「Promotion Period」).

  2. This Program is exclusive to personal customers who are the sole or principal account holders of any savings, checking, step-up interest accounts of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (“Citibank” or the “Bank”) or principal Cardholders of Citibank Credit Cards issued by the Bank (the 「Customers」) and fulfill the following requirements (the 「Eligible Customers」):

    1. aged 18 or above on December 28, 20220; AND

    2. have a valid Hong Kong correspondence address in the Bank’s record; AND

    3. have a valid email address in the Bank’s record; AND

    4. have a valid telephone number in the Bank’s record; AND

    5. must successfully register for the Program through “Get More” using the Citi Mobile® App within

      the Promotion Period.

  3. The Program is not applicable to (a) U.S. Persons or (b) The European Union (EU) and European

    Economic Area (EEA) residents.

  4. The Program will be conducted with the following details:

    1. In each “Get More – Flash Lucky” reward, the customer needs to complete below according to the designated Program (the “Designated Program”) within designated date from 12am to 11:59pm (Hong Kong time, GMT 8) (i) Successfully register for the Designated Program by tapping “Confirm” in “Get More” using the Citi Mobile App (the “Successful Registration”) (ii) Program Winners will be drawn randomly by the computer (iii) Program Winner performs Eligible Transaction within designated period stated on the Designated Program Terms and Conditions to become Eligible Customers to enjoy the Designated Program reward (the “Eligible Customers”) as mentioned in each Designated Program.

    2. If customers have not yet hold a Designated Account mentioned in the Designated Program, they must apply for it and complete the Designated Transaction according to the Designated Program Terms & Conditions to be Eligible Customers and receive the Designated Program reward.

  5. Eligible Customers who terminate their accounts at or before the time of offer fulfillment will be disqualified for the Program.

  6. In order to receive the Reward, the Eligible Customer’s Designated Cards Accounts must be valid, not in default and in good standing (as determined by the Bank at its sole discretion) at the time the Bank gives the reward. Otherwise, Citibank reserves the right to forfeit the reward without prior notice.

  7. All reward awarded cannot be transferable or exchangeable for cash or kind and must be claimed in Hong Kong.

  8. Citibank reserves the right to replace any winner(s) subsequently found to be disqualified.

  9. Each customer agrees that he/she shall enter this Program at his/her own risk and shall be responsible

    for all risks of participating in this Program. The Bank shall not be liable for any damages, losses, claims, costs or proceedings incurred or suffered by the Customers and the winners of this Program as a result of their participation.

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